This is a man’s house, even
though your wife has lived
here alone for the past 20
She has the custom
of rearranging the living
and dining areas each few
months, and every time I visit
the configuration is decidedly
Yet with each of these moves
there remains a chair, a
place setting, ready for you,
at the head of the table.

I imagine you light and agile,
always greeting the maid with
I imagine men pausing
in conversation, waiting for
you to speak, and your wife
wanting to make things
graceful for you; your shirts
ironed, your salads well
seasoned, your papers
dusted but left undisturbed.

I think I see the form of your
foot in the outline of my
husband’s feet. I know this
slight detail of DNA must
come from you because
my husband and his brother
have the same lean feet with
a second toe longer than
the first.
Their mother’s foot is wide
with soft plump toes that
descend, each one shorter
than the one before.

Libyan opposition leader Jaballa Matar was kidnapped in March of 1990. Egyptian secret service agents took him from his home in Cairo where he was living in exile. The following day he was handed over to the Gaddafi regime.
In 1995 the family received a letter written in Jaballa’s handwriting that had been smuggled out of Abu Salim prison. They have had no news of Jaballa since.

Sound Piece:
To listen to the sound piece click below.

(scroll down)
Museum of Contemporary Photography, Chicago. Jan- April 2018
Purdy Hicks Gallery, London May - June 2016
Houston FotoFest International. March - April 2016.
Rick Wester Fine Art. New York, NY. September October 2015.
Gouen Museum of Photography, Busan Korea. August - November 2015.
Rayko Photo Center, San Francisco. USA. 2015.
Paris Photo, 2014
Saatchi Gallery, 2010. Borders Exhibition.
With MP3 sound piece in
3.5 minute loop. Three head phones on plinth.
Firecrackers - Female Photographers Today. Thames and Hudson 2017
Evidence, Monograph. Schilt Publishing 2014.
Source, Irish Journal of Photography, Issue 56
Ojo de Pez, Issue 35, Autobiografias.
Santa Barbara Museum. USA.
Deutsche Bank permanant collection, London.
Private collections, England, America.
Limited Edition Prints.
Several of the images in this series are available as limited edition silver gelatin prints.
Institutioinal and Festival Editions.
For institutions, public galleries, and festivals Disappearance can be shown along with Evidence and Witness. The three bodies of work, about enforced disappearance and state terror during the Gaddafi regime, can be produced for large or small venues.